I did this 24 x 48 canvas for some GREAT friends of ours, The Rainers. They have two girls and this is for their bathroom. I love that they are teaching their children what true beauty is.
We had been learning this verse at our house as well. Not only does it apply to beauty, but we brought it up because when we would tell Kennedy to change her attitude, she would try really hard to grin (which was actually pretty funny). We told her that just because she puts a smile on her face, doesn't mean her attitude has actually changed. I think it's important for us to remember that God looks at the heart. Even if we do the "right thing," God is not honored unless it was done with the right heart.
I wanted to do something with this verse for our girls, so I went through some old scrap book stuff and found a 12x12 frame at Hobby Lobby (50% off!!) and made this with some ribbons and scraps. It was super easy. You should try it with your favorite verse. :)
( K & A are the girls' initials for those of you that don't know me.)
We had been learning this verse at our house as well. Not only does it apply to beauty, but we brought it up because when we would tell Kennedy to change her attitude, she would try really hard to grin (which was actually pretty funny). We told her that just because she puts a smile on her face, doesn't mean her attitude has actually changed. I think it's important for us to remember that God looks at the heart. Even if we do the "right thing," God is not honored unless it was done with the right heart.
I wanted to do something with this verse for our girls, so I went through some old scrap book stuff and found a 12x12 frame at Hobby Lobby (50% off!!) and made this with some ribbons and scraps. It was super easy. You should try it with your favorite verse. :)